Lily Kwong_Maison+St-Germain+LA_1


“I was deeply inspired by the project site. I wanted to layer the landscape with dynamic performances and art pieces ranging from dance to archival 'magic' projected films to a sound installation featuring sacred tones."

-Lily Kwong
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St. Germain, Los Angeles
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St. Germain, Los Angeles

“Lily's take for L.A. includes discovery moments throughout the estate that still has caves, hidden tunnels, and terraced gardens. Her romantic-yet-whimsical journey celebrates the joyful decadence of summer indulgence, with an opportunity for guests to enjoy a rare fleeting moment of exuberance in the spirit of 1920s années folles."

-Camille Ralph Vidal, St-Germain brand ambassador
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Selected Press: The Hollywood reporter
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Selected Press: Vogue